By Anonymous - 27/12/2014 21:15 - United States

Today, I was chatting with the girl of my dreams, a real heart-to-heart. Everything was going great, and I asked her if she'd like to get coffee together sometime. She immediately backed away and excused herself, mumbling something about not dating left-handed people. Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 425
You deserved it 2 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randomguy76 14

How could you be so inconsiderate OP? It was entirely obvious that you two were never meant to be because of your dominant left hand. Geez some people....


Ugh... We really need to segregate out those left handed people. Just a distraction in our school systems. If she's declining a date because your left hand is your dominant hand, then you need to raise the standards of your dreams, sir... I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. You said mumbling. You could have misheard what she said. Ask again another time.

randomguy76 14

How could you be so inconsiderate OP? It was entirely obvious that you two were never meant to be because of your dominant left hand. Geez some people....

Steve95401 49

It was inconsiderate of your parents to not "correct" you as a child when you did things left-handed as my parents did.

We should really have separate schools and water fountains for left handed people. I mean... What if I contract their left handed diseases while drinking from a public water fountain! We need to separate, for the greater good of us right handed folk!

That's cool. Us lefties usually do better anyways.? (I didn't take it seriously, just wanted to point that out before I get down rated to hell)

larrena2377 26

28, We must stand together against the force that is right-handed people!

Obviously, the ambidextrous are freaks and should be put into a "special" school of their own.

Over there, with the bisexuals taken out of the gay vs. straight debate.

No, she's obviously a 'right' supremacist.

thee_most_dope 30

Maybe she just assumes that things will never go "right" with you and that you're better off being "left" alone lol

I'm sorry OP it sounds like she was just making a excuse to say no, don't worry OP you will find someone.

Obviously. The way I see it, however, is that probably she's too shy and she's not used to being asked out. Hence why she started panicking and making up the "not dating lefties" bullshit. I'd advice OP to talk to her again.

She still believes that left handed people are a sign of the devil? Idk haha

I've heard that the new thing (not coming from me) is that most gay people are left handed.

#87 >:) why thank you, it's times like these when I love being left handed

the girl of your dreams sounds like Hitler mated with Nero.

IAmzephyr 22

man if she's like that you dodged a bullet