By Anonymous - 15/05/2015 20:58 - United States - Evanston

Today, at work, I was about to close a big sale, when a coworker rushed over and said there was a call for me in the office. He heavily implied my mom had died, and I rushed out. After I figured out there was no call and that my mom was fine, he'd already stolen my sale and the commission. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 095
You deserved it 2 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is unacceptable. You should inform your boss about this so your coworker will get what he deserves.

That is absurd, he can't get away with that !! There must be somewhere you can make a complaint. That's so mean as well to make you think your mum died just to steal your sale, who the hell in their right mind does that?


The cutthroat world of commission based sales strikes again.

Sue the bastard. Sugar in the gas tank. Bird poop on everything he owns. Lemon juice in his coffee. Ex-Lax in his brownies. Bananas in the tailpipe. Penis enlarger spam in his emails. Buckets of water over the office door. Minimally-clad Chippendales following him around the office making lewd gestures. "Just Married " painted on every window he owns. Love letters from questionable women in his snail mail. Men's underwear in his glove compartment. Just for starters. This is WAR.

In general, I don't trust people. Especially co-workers. Unless they have earned my trust. So, had he approached me with that BULLSHIT. I would've turned around and said: "Yeah. I'm busy. Take a message."

Are you aware the word gullible isn't in the dictionary?

GamerPerson 19

This is the reason why I don't work at places that you get paid based on commissions and sales. I had a friend that worked at Macy's and she was fresh out of high school, these older women were cutthroat and did everything to sabotage not only her, but each other as well. I'm sorry you had to experience that, OP. :(

gintwinsmoore 20