By not crazy enough - 17/11/2014 18:48 - United States - Mount Pleasant

Today, at work, a crazy customer forced me to promise to take a holiday greeting picture of my cat and myself for her. She says she'll be back and expects one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 877
You deserved it 3 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CallMeWindSock 24


sounds like the crazy cat lady at my job!! They are everywhere =0

thehartwants 4

OP here, I was helping the customer with the kitty litter when we started talking about our cats. It started off just small talk and she just did a complete 180 on me.

*frantically searched Google for good "cat" puns*

So, she wants a picture of your pussy. That's a bit creepy isn't it?

but not JUST her pussy...her with her pussy. that's just wrong in so many ways....