Cats with jobs

By Anonymous - 14/03/2023 15:00

Today, I sent my boss a picture of my cat instead of the report I was supposed to send. He replied, "Maybe I should've hired him instead of you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 355
You deserved it 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It might not be that simple of a slip. What if he does the same with confidential information from the workplace? I would be wary of hiring anyone who takes that little care in double checking important mails.

I bet the cat wouldn't send him a picture of you.


How is that even possible? On my computer, it shows a thumbnail of what I am sending, so it’s impossible to not know what I am sending

Simple case of "send first, check later", except with attachments instead of email addresses.

If he says that after a SIMPLE slip, do you want to work there?

It might not be that simple of a slip. What if he does the same with confidential information from the workplace? I would be wary of hiring anyone who takes that little care in double checking important mails.

I bet the cat wouldn't send him a picture of you.