By Anonymous - 17/11/2014 16:59 - United States

Today, after driving hundreds of miles to sign the paperwork for my new job, I found out the guy who hired me recently quit, and HR has no idea who I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 556
You deserved it 2 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danis_fml 12

That sucks. But it makes sense because if he didn't file your information in the first place, he was probably a shitty worker


CallMeWindSock 24
1PersonIsMyWorld 22

in the world of business thats HRs fault. nothing you can legally do about it though.

NellieeNell 18

Same thing happened to me before! FYL Op

danis_fml 12

That sucks. But it makes sense because if he didn't file your information in the first place, he was probably a shitty worker

Bree12345 15

That's terrible. I hope he gave you anything you can show as proof that you were hired.

That sucks OP, but at least you got a job. You'll figure it out

What a douche move. Hopefully you have a message or something that will confirm who you are and they give you a chance. Probably that guy that was worked to hard to put his resignation in.

Seems like you dodged a bullet considering how professional they aren't :p

I hope you saved all the emails as proof!