By Murlocmurk - 05/12/2012 17:04 - United States

Today, at school, I have to do a 45 minute presentation with a girl who has panic attacks so bad that she cries, runs out of the room, and sometimes passes out. This presentation terrifies her and it's a major part of my final grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 632
You deserved it 2 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know FYL because its important, but I have something to say. Take it easy on her. I get panic attacks too. A lot. Sometimes because of stressful situations like those, sometimes because something feels wrong in my body, sometimes for no reason in hte middle of the night. It feels like you are going to die when it gets bad, that it won't stop til you're heart explodes, or you want to faint. Your body feels numb all over, you think you'll collapse. You just feel so anxious you want to get out of wherever you are- I have to walk of metros or out of classrooms. It's hell. Try to be there for her, to understand, maybe she'll be better. Please try to calm her.


Meesersuperman1 4

If you're doing a group project and the teacher doesn't grade you partially if not completely on your work then you need to tell them that's wrong and it should be different.

winkydog4056 16

Give her a non-speaking role, holding up boards, artwork, charts?

If you stay calm and continue on you should do fine.

Reality_bites 14

Just because she has issues with presenting doesn't mean she wont contribute her written share of the work. It just means that she has issues presenting. Maybe the OP could find out what she would feel comfortable with ie holding posters up while they present and asking her to say specific phrases at certain times. Maybe they could try to help by finding out why she is so terrified and try to help her overcome her fear by practicing with her.

winkydog4056 16

They can't take away points from your grade because she has an anxiety disorder, it's qualified as a mental disorder. If you're that worried about it you should talk to both her and your teacher to work something out. I have anxiety myself, I don't get it with speeches, but I do with standardized tests. My teachers have always been very accommodating and done what they can to help me work through it.

you two need to talk to your teacher. maybe she can do a written portion and you do the oral presentation, or some other compromise.

Maybe you could talk to the teacher and ask if you could give the presentation just to the teacher and not the rest of the classmates? I did the same thing and my teacher was 100% on board and it made it so much easier for all involved.

I like this idea even better! Hopefully her anxiety isn't so bad she can't present to just one person. Maybe, it will even help her a little.

I would just turn the presentation into a comedy routine. Get her extra super nervous, and just roll with whatever happens. 45 minutes is not a big deal if you know the subject and are prepared - I have done presentations of 2 hours and more.