No joke

By ohfuxx - 23/03/2022 10:00

Today, I learned that you can't fool the self-checkout scanner by taking six items and only paying for two. Sometimes, two big security guards may grab you by both arms and take you to their office. To convince them to let me off the hook, I desperately said that it was just a joke. They weren't laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120
You deserved it 2 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kitten79TX 5

So, lemme get this straight... you tried to steal. you got caught. You got detained because you got caught trying to steal. And you expect sympathy? Is that about right? How about this for a life plan....DON'T FRIGGIN BREAK THE LAW... you're lucky you weren't arrested.


Have you never used a self-checkout scanner? Those things compare what you scanned to the weight of your product. You would have been lucky to pilfer ONE of those items, let alone four. YDI big time for being a clueless knob.

kitten79TX 5

So, lemme get this straight... you tried to steal. you got caught. You got detained because you got caught trying to steal. And you expect sympathy? Is that about right? How about this for a life plan....DON'T FRIGGIN BREAK THE LAW... you're lucky you weren't arrested.

As the wisest of us once said: "STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!"

theark 14

That’s a very disproportionate # of items taken compared to bought

To her very lofty defense, having self checkout doubles the amount of shrinkage. That tells me that there must be ways people are at least occasionally getting by the security measures put in place.