Compassion? At school?

By Anonymous - 13/04/2021 18:30 - United States

Today, my house caught fire right before I was supposed to present a school project. My teacher told me to, "just suck it up and do it anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 050
You deserved it 66

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretty sure you are entitled to a grievance for that bullshit. file a grievance with the school over it. you just had a serious life changing event and required some understanding on your teachers part that was given. I'd go to the board and make a complaint for sure. but thats just me.

That sounds suspicious. I think you should have that teacher investigated for arson. Watch your back and stay safe.


That sounds suspicious. I think you should have that teacher investigated for arson. Watch your back and stay safe.

bleachedraven 14

That's a stretch...unless the teacher is hot 🤣 sorry so cheesey 🤣

pretty sure you are entitled to a grievance for that bullshit. file a grievance with the school over it. you just had a serious life changing event and required some understanding on your teachers part that was given. I'd go to the board and make a complaint for sure. but thats just me.

Heartless bastard! When I was a boy our house burned to the ground. It was very traumatic. Even though everyone was safe, most of our stuff went up in flames.

I hope you reported him for that because that's just utter bullshit.