By Anonymous - 21/01/2016 03:16 - United States - Houston

Today, at my retail job, I tried on one of our hats. My co-worker told me I shouldn't because I could get lice. I laughed it off and told her I didn't believe her. Man, do I believe her now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 560
You deserved it 8 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

Lice on a hat being sold in your store? Jeeze remind me never to go there to shop for anything...

jessenia123 27

wow I know how you feel I have long thick hair and it takes ages to get the lice out sorry Op


Put your pillow covers and other stuff that touched you head in boiling water to kill the lice and their eggs.

My only question is why would you sell a hat that has lice? Seems pretty gross and unethical to me...

at least you know better now! never put anything that's up for public use on your body!

makes me glad I shave my head. Lice can't really survive without hair.

Makes me glad I shave my.... never mind....

Sounds like your coworker just gave you lice...

was there any reason that would make you not trust your co-worker?

Spray your hair with roach killer. That outta do it!