By Anonymous - 07/01/2010 14:45 - Canada

Today, I got a haircut, and after thanking the stylist I went up front to pay. The lady behind the counter took one look at me, smiled, and said, "Well, now you'll need a hat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 083
You deserved it 2 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

was it really short? it's winter, so if it was, that might've been al she meant.

Yeah you shouldn't have paid. Sue ensues!


Haha! Well you shouldn't pay for it then...hope you didn't tip

was it really short? it's winter, so if it was, that might've been al she meant.

bittersweets 2
geordieboysgirl 0

Mine too. the receptionist would not last long if she was telling clients they looked bad.

Just an FYI (also just to be a d*ick, hair salons don't have receptionists.. he or she would be a cashier.

@16 WRONG. Who books appointments and assigns the hairdresser to the person? The janitor?

I know they don't have janitors, I was being sarcastic. And at every salon that I've ever been to, they were 'receptionists'.

Flutist 3

The magical book does it for the hair dressers. DUH

The hair salon I go to has a receptionist and a janitor.

I'm sure it was just because it's cold outside and she was saying the hair is short and your head would get cold. This is so not an FML.

I could have been like a promo too, like if they were a new haircut place they could do "get and haircut and get a free hat" kind of deal, there's probably more to this story...

Ariel881 0

Well, did YOU like your haircut...did the stylist cut it the way YOU wanted him or her to?

fritterpop 0