By j_babydoll6520 - 26/08/2011 11:09 - Australia

Today, I got a text message from a number I don't know saying, "I'm sorry, but I'm cheating on you, I couldn't do this in person because you're ugly when you cry." I haven't had a relationship in 6 years and I still manage to get dumped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 659
You deserved it 3 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

reply back saying "its ok i was cheating on you too with your brother... oh and is he free this weekend?"

iAmScrubs 19

I've been dumped by a fair share of ghosts myself. It can be really emotional, but you will get over it.


iAmScrubs 19

I've been dumped by a fair share of ghosts myself. It can be really emotional, but you will get over it.

Haha "you're ugly when you cry?" show me one person that's pretty when they cry, and I'll show you a good plastic surgeon.

#40 - Hermione Granger. Show me when she isn't pretty and I'll do something irrational. I dunno

Emma Watson isn't a person. She's an extraterrestrial creature from the planet of hotness.

Haha she's perfect in every possible way. Even with that pixie cut or whatever it's called

burninnapalm 5

Eh, she's better with long hair...

EnEl_Infierno 15
EnEl_Infierno 15

#69 FTW *faceplam* should of Googled it 1st.

Jammy01jams 2

40 - My girlfriend? Although I may be a bit biased...

chell1894 13

Must have been meant for Farrah on teen Mom

UWell, if your penis gets cut off, your new name could be Nearly Headless Dick

Long hair, pixie cut or no hair, we all have something in common.. We'd smash her back doors in. GIVE ME SOME MANLOVE

It actually means fill the waterhole or sometimes fiddle them wet

I wonder how that person will feel when they show up for date with that sender

overthelimit 3

"have you been crying? cause you look really ugly today"

reply back saying "its ok i was cheating on you too with your brother... oh and is he free this weekend?"

Don't wanna come of as mean but why is the OP sad the text wasn't meant for her. I'd mess around withthe sender of the text. And what kind of person breaks up with someone on the phone smh

What if the person whe sent the text was a girl?

The person who posted the FML goes by the name of j_baby doll. Or something like that. I just assumed

leadman1989 15
leadman1989 15

No no no say "Oh and he's bigger than you... a lot bigger. LMAO"

Either way you could still send the text back lol

meggs2209 0

Happens to the best of us! Lol. You shoulda went along with it though... Coulda had fun with that one.

Yeah. Like you can't dump me I'm peragnet with you kid. lol j/k

She could have said she may be ugly when she cries, but he's always been ugly inside and out. :)

DawnMarie11 0

Wow, I feel sorry for the person who the text was actually menu for.

DawnMarie11 0

That's ment for sorry auto correct is a bitch.

iAmScrubs 19

iPhone's are fun auto correct = drunk texting/spelling

"'re ugly when you cry." lol That guy's a winner.

no actually he sounds like a ****** loser to me.

jellitonoctopus 19

It's okay, see the brighter side of things; at least you know you're not with an asshole that cheats & ball-less to breakup with his girls in person.

markrs 0

I'm sorry Miss. Jackson but...

cooterpie 11

never meant to make your daughter cry..

ikickgingers 15

Lmfao at his text. Seriously need to use that line. FHL for breaking up with someone via text, but an A+ on the irony scale.

ironyisforlosers 0

I don't think you know what irony is...