By anon13 - 12/04/2009 04:27 - United States

Today, at a family Seder, (a Jewish service for Passover), my mom served matzah balls during the festive meal. Considering how much I love matzah balls and there aren't many options for me to eat because I'm a vegetarian, I shouted, "I like really big balls!" in front of my entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 607
You deserved it 94 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Today I forgot to put sugar in my coffee, FML.

ijkl0marissa 0

Uhm.. why did you shout that? Besides, matzo ball soup (at least at my seder) has chicken in it, and is served in broth, so it isn't a very vegetarian option..


ijkl0marissa 0

Uhm.. why did you shout that? Besides, matzo ball soup (at least at my seder) has chicken in it, and is served in broth, so it isn't a very vegetarian option..

Not all matzah ball soup has chicken broth in it. And not all matzah ball soup is made from a can or a box mix.

at least it was your family and not a bunch of random people..your family loves you and wont judge you but other people will.

Ninjasaurus18 9

Some people mean 'vegetarian' as they don't eat red meat, but eat poultry and fish.

In my family there would be the turning of heads, sarcastic comments and giggling, lots of giggling -.- Seders and brunch and bar/bat mitzvas are always fun

I declined this one. Its not like they didn't know what you were talking about, who cares..? YDI though.

Chaith 16

This is really bad. I agree, your life is F***ED because I bet this happens fairly often. I still don't get what made him put 'big' in front.

I like big balls and I cannot lie. The whole family can't deny. When the matzah balls are on the table I know that I'm able to EAT!

@ #1 My mom definitely makes hers vegetarian (doesn't use chicken fat, doesn't use chicken broth, etc) so it's definitely possible that OP's mom does the same for him.

He said "big" as its one of the few things he can eat, therefore he wants lots or big ones.

and by that (#2) I am mocking the lameness of most of the fmls lately

yeah this really isn't an FML. they all knew what you were talking about, plus why would you even put "big" in front of it? I think this is probably made up...