By kareltje - 14/09/2011 18:50 - Netherlands

Today, at 7am, I was woken up by a telemarketer. He tried to sell me a bedroom set containing "a comfortable pillow and goose feather cover". I was working the graveyard shift and had only just gotten to sleep an hour earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 812
You deserved it 2 856

kareltje tells us more.

Can't they make a living during office hours? That would've given me 2 hours of sleep at least...

Top comments

#18: I'm just bored. Happy now? Should I write another FML? "Today I commented on one of the comments of my FML. FML"

What? Commenting on a comment is against the rules?


CuteDumBlonde64 11

Americans most hated people = TELEMARKETERS...

Hmmm, what do you call 100 attorneys at the bottom of the lake? A good start...

structuredchaoz 4

You should sell them. Ask if they are calling about ur craigslist ad and interrupt them telling all about your used breast pump.

asoptavlo14 6

I was kidding my god. Don't get all butthurt about it

asoptavlo14 6

I was kidding my god. Don't get all butthurt about it

asoptavlo14 6

I was kidding my god. Don't get all butthurt about it

asoptavlo14 6

I was kidding my god. Don't get all butthurt about it

I agree with 63, it's like saying "my life is more f'd than yours hah!!"

72 you're a frigin toolshed. Who makes an account just to make a dumbass comment like yours?

No call list? Or do telemarketers not pay attention to that?

If you are referring to the United States Do Not Call list, then you would be incorrect. However, if OP's home country has a list, then it probably works the same way. The person who owns the phone number must sign up for the list. Everyone else is fair game.