By kareltje - 14/09/2011 18:50 - Netherlands

Today, at 7am, I was woken up by a telemarketer. He tried to sell me a bedroom set containing "a comfortable pillow and goose feather cover". I was working the graveyard shift and had only just gotten to sleep an hour earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 812
You deserved it 2 856

kareltje tells us more.

Can't they make a living during office hours? That would've given me 2 hours of sleep at least...

Top comments

#18: I'm just bored. Happy now? Should I write another FML? "Today I commented on one of the comments of my FML. FML"

What? Commenting on a comment is against the rules?


What? Commenting on a comment is against the rules?

hey OP, he was making a sarcastic joke

#18: I'm just bored. Happy now? Should I write another FML? "Today I commented on one of the comments of my FML. FML"

Iknoweverything 29

I think commenting on your own post gets you a badge? I hope you cussed the idiot out!

WTSchool 0

OP, I sympathize with you, that totally sucks. >> Did you give them a piece of your mind? Because if it were me, they'd be running down the street in no time.

ImFrackinBored 13

Whenever they call I just say "No, but would you be interested in (repeat exactly what they said) it's awesome

Meemin 5

Ugh. Telemarketers they really suck. And they sell crappy stuff.

It sucks trying to get back to sleep after working all night. I had a couple JW's knock on my door one morning right after I had finally fallen to sleep, needless to say they don't come to my house and when they walk by they run in fear.

LiveLaughFML 10

if I were you, I would have breathed onto the phone in a creepy way. and then I'd say "what's your favorite scary movie"? :D

fthislyfe 22

I always comment on my own FMLs too. But why wasn't anyone surprised?