By kareltje - 14/09/2011 18:50 - Netherlands

Today, at 7am, I was woken up by a telemarketer. He tried to sell me a bedroom set containing "a comfortable pillow and goose feather cover". I was working the graveyard shift and had only just gotten to sleep an hour earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 812
You deserved it 2 856

kareltje tells us more.

Can't they make a living during office hours? That would've given me 2 hours of sleep at least...

Top comments

#18: I'm just bored. Happy now? Should I write another FML? "Today I commented on one of the comments of my FML. FML"

What? Commenting on a comment is against the rules?


2 in general is a lot. Consider yourself very lucky if you even get one posted.

What was the price? He couldve been offering you a deal

Find him and smother the life outta him with the pillow

wriptidez 0

ironic... hey get on the no call list for telemarketers google it

Fix for this: 1. Answer the phone 2. Say hello 3. Wait for them to start talking 4. Lay down the phone without hanging up 5. Go back to sleep 6. Problem solved.

tbg1991 0

Its illegal for them to call you before 9 am so threaten to call the attorney generals office if they ever do it again. Shouldnt EVER have a problem again

It depends on where you live. OP is not an American nor in the United States.

1 hour more, 2 hours more, it wouldn't have made a difference. Simply getting a telemarketer call you is enough for an fml

leadman1989 15

I think they have an alarm system for the worst time to call. - alarm blaring "Yes he's just fallen asleep. Should I call now? No wait until he's really into it and then call to sell him a... peelow *pinky to mouth