By kareltje - 14/09/2011 18:50 - Netherlands

Today, at 7am, I was woken up by a telemarketer. He tried to sell me a bedroom set containing "a comfortable pillow and goose feather cover". I was working the graveyard shift and had only just gotten to sleep an hour earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 812
You deserved it 2 856

kareltje tells us more.

Can't they make a living during office hours? That would've given me 2 hours of sleep at least...

Top comments

#18: I'm just bored. Happy now? Should I write another FML? "Today I commented on one of the comments of my FML. FML"

What? Commenting on a comment is against the rules?


Hey they're just doing the job that they get paid to do. You cant blame them.

You should have said " You dont got no pancake mix!"

Pull on a fake accent and troll them. When a telemarketer calls, I always pretend to be a Nigerian scammer.

u can acctualy sue them for calling u before 8am

It's illegal for telemarketers to call before 8.30am and after 8pm here in Australia

hmm, why did you answer the phone then? you should've answered then hung up as soon as you answered and got some more sleep. that's what I would've done.

krazy_glu3 0

One time my older sister acted like a 5 yr old when one called. She was pissin the lady off so much the telemarketer yelled at her and said she's acting like a baby... Then hung up.

I work nights too, I've had one hang up on me when I asked for her supervisor. I hate them.

fthislyfe 22

97: Just stop talking! My life does not suck and even if I'm having a hard time in my life I can't submit it as an FML cuz REAL ordeals are not funny so they won't be accepted. As you see, most FMLs here are not really about a miserable person. Just bad luck or a funny moment. For example, one of my FMLs was that I had to pretend my boyfriend beat me in arm wrestling. So does that mean my life sucks and I'm trying to get sympathy? No! I'm actually very happy with my boyfriend and I don't mind being stronger than him. So shut it please!