By kareltje - 14/09/2011 18:50 - Netherlands

Today, at 7am, I was woken up by a telemarketer. He tried to sell me a bedroom set containing "a comfortable pillow and goose feather cover". I was working the graveyard shift and had only just gotten to sleep an hour earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 812
You deserved it 2 856

kareltje tells us more.

Can't they make a living during office hours? That would've given me 2 hours of sleep at least...

Top comments

#18: I'm just bored. Happy now? Should I write another FML? "Today I commented on one of the comments of my FML. FML"

What? Commenting on a comment is against the rules?


That's why I never keep my phone on sound when I'm sleeping

When a telemarketer calls me, I put down the phone without hanging up. Then at the end of there 15 min speech I pick up the phone and go "What can you repeat

Dude, just because you submit an FML doesn't mean that you hate your life. And it doesn't mean that you're looking for pity. If anything it shows that you're willing to laugh at your situation.

arsenalmnhs 0

97 just stop talking cuz I think your missing the point of this website.