By TheStroker - 01/06/2019 06:03

Today, I was cleaning off a carrot by rubbing it up and down under the tap over the sink. My 13-year-old son comes in and says, "Mom, you could get a job doing that." I told him that a carrot cleaner wouldn't make much money. He says, "I wasn't talking about carrots." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 707
You deserved it 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would 200% be worth the ass kicking I’d get for saying that 😂


That would 200% be worth the ass kicking I’d get for saying that 😂

Send him to his room and tell him he can clean his own carrot. And you’re not talking about carrots.

I'll send him to the room to clean 2 baskets of carrots, and yes, I'm talking about carrots.

SkylerRain 1