Kids will be kids

By Anonymous - 27/08/2020 10:02 - Australia - Murarrie

Today, my son accidentally damaged another kid in the face with a baseball bat, while blindfolded trying to hit a piñata. Except there was no piñata, or blindfold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 684
You deserved it 1 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So did your child actually assaulted another one knowing full well what he was doing ? Or did he simply tried to swing a bat and the kid behind him got it in the face ? Sugarcoating this "accident" is not going to change anything, you know that right ?


And even more suspicious is that it was baseball bat and not a cricket bat in Australia! It would be like someone in the US getting beaten with a didgeridoo or poisoned with Vegemite.

OP's kid belted another kid in the face with a baseball bat, and OP dressed the story up because it needed flair or something.

So did your child actually assaulted another one knowing full well what he was doing ? Or did he simply tried to swing a bat and the kid behind him got it in the face ? Sugarcoating this "accident" is not going to change anything, you know that right ?

It changes everything if this goes to the legal system. They need to keep up the steady stream of bullshitting that this was accidental. The kid needs to emulate Trump to stay out of deep trouble.

The way this is written is confusing but I think what you're saying is that your apparently out of control kid attacked another kid with a bat. ydi