By regstl - 01/06/2013 06:21 - United States - Beaverton

Today, as I was getting out of my car, an old and obese lady walked up to me and called me an "inconsiderate heartless bitch" for using the last handicap parking spot. I guess she didn't see my wheelchair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 198
You deserved it 3 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fat people thinking they have a disability smh

Her handicap is obviously being a clueless twat.


Why is it that whenever someone dares to judge a fat person, dozens feel the need to pipe up to tell us that they might have a "medical problem"? So what might this "medical problem" be? Maybe they have a herniated vertebral disc or some other injury, which makes it difficult to do exercises. Or maybe they suffer from hypothyroidism or some other disorder, which slows down their metabolism. None of that changes the fact that you will only gain weight if your calorie intake is to high.

SarahBearah1995 11

I don't have a thyroid at all. I also am glucose intolerant. My weight fluctuates as much as 10 lbs a day. With or without eating. I am overweight, and even when I swim 6 miles a day because I love it, I don't lose weight. I am ashamed to be fat. However, I haven't found a way to fix it yet. Sometimes, it really is JUST a condition.

mckenzieschwarz 5

Well she called dibs and u know how that goes

I for one find it hard to believe that almost every fatty claims he / she can't help it because it's a medical thing or some sort. Maybe 5 % has a medical issue, the rest is just too lazy to excersice and / or eat just too much food. Put the ice cream down and go for a jog. Stop reading fml and do something about it.

A side-effect of some drugs is weight gain.

al122397 13

That heartless bitch needs to lose some weight. Everyone agree?

Ugh! I know your pain, OP! The other day a lady was double parked in the last 2 handicapped parking spots with nothing displayed. I was told I look like, "a white methhead, crack addict." I explained my brain tumor and she called me a c*nt, and then told me, "I hope you ******* die." Her real "handicap" btw, was that she has kids. That was seriously her excuse. Just because we're handicapped doesn't mean we have all damn day to wait around for some asshole to get out of the ONLY spot we're capable of using; just thinking logistically here, guys.

I really hope you bitched her our and/or physically hurt her.

I couldn't, because she was in her car the entire time. It wasn't until she started driving away that she, and some teenager with her, yelled to me that they hope I die. After all their racial slurs, I did manage to muster up enough courage to tell her that there's a reason stereotypes still exist and she's it. I did her a favor by not calling the cops in the first place...add a death threat in there and the police were called and hot on her tail. **** that. It's a daily battle of dirty looks for being disabled. Sorry I don't wanna pass out while walking to my car! I think being run over would really suck.

I have a thyroid problem but even I know that unless my legs are broken the handicapped spot is not meant for me

Could this old, obese lady also be handicapped? If so, she may be upset that you didn't give your spot to an old lady.

Disability placards are not handed out based on pity points and whether you are a good person. It's whether you are disabled. Even if a fat person is fat because they are lazy, if their weight limits their mobility they still qualify. If someone was paralyzed from a drunk driving accident they would get a placard too, regardless of whether they were at fault. You all have no business deciding who "deserves" be be considered disabled. It's a medical fact, not a point of virtue.

This is much too wise of advice for most people to comprehend. Good job! Seriously.

rt567 15

that's horrible, as some one who is paralyzed from the waist down, people are sometimes surprised and wonder "hey you look "normal, why are you in a chair." but sadly some people can be quick to judge. best of luck OP =)