Haircut, haircuuuut

By Anonymous - 07/09/2020 05:32 - India - Mumbai

Today, I came to the decision that I needed some variety in my life, so I decided to get a haircut. My mom insisted that she could do it and that she had experience because she cuts my dad's short hair. I had thick, long hair. Now, my hair is uneven, ugly and short. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 131
You deserved it 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Christina Winden 22

Time to go to a stylist to fix it up as best he/she can, then play the waiting game until it grows back.

brenniman 10

OP sorry about your disappointing experience. Tell yourself that at the very least your hair will grow back pretty quickly.


brenniman 10

OP sorry about your disappointing experience. Tell yourself that at the very least your hair will grow back pretty quickly.

Christina Winden 22

Time to go to a stylist to fix it up as best he/she can, then play the waiting game until it grows back.

You probably look just like Dad now. Yay!

samomaha 17

Well, you got the variety in your life that you were missing! As another poster said, though, you can grow it out and get a stylist to bring it more to what you originally were hoping for. Good luck OP!

Ya I learned a long time ago never let a relative cut your hair, unless their properly trained. When my mom almost cut my ear completely off.