By nice education you've got there - 09/04/2013 21:04 - United States - Monroe

Today, my friends and I were exchanging stories with one another. I barely got a few sentences in before they started mocking and viciously insulting me for saying "swaggered", claiming it comes from the slang term "swag", and that they never thought I was a "dumbass hipster". Really now? FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 341
You deserved it 7 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Here, lemme help: "An illiterate dumbass called ZacZ swaggered into the FML comments section, expecting to be praised for his ignorance of basic English words." Does that help?

Your friends should remember the old adage that "whenever you point a finger at someone for being a "dumbass hipster" their other three fingers are pointing at themselves. Your friends are, at the very least, idiots. Good luck finding some better friends, OP, you need 'em!


Your friends should remember the old adage that "whenever you point a finger at someone for being a "dumbass hipster" their other three fingers are pointing at themselves. Your friends are, at the very least, idiots. Good luck finding some better friends, OP, you need 'em!

I just think that they're hypocritical for calling him a dumbass.

1-I love that adage. I also love "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Unfortunately I have had to use that a few times in my life but I think I'll use yours next time.

phantumgrey 6

And the friends need to realize "Swag" means "Secretly we are gay"

#119 please don't tell me you still think 'gay' is an insult to call people and not a sexuality.

Dumb friends..."everybody talks: it started with a hipster"

ZacZ 8

Who the **** even says swaggered. In what context would you use that word?

Here, lemme help: "An illiterate dumbass called ZacZ swaggered into the FML comments section, expecting to be praised for his ignorance of basic English words." Does that help?

im_joking 11

Dang that's rough.. guess you have a point though

He must use axe like every other ignorant highschool freshman before him, he definitely doesn't have the oldspice swagger

sex_and_drugs 11

You do know Shakespeare invited the word swag therefore the root word causing swaggered ever to be invented right?

ZacZ 8

Basic English words. And the last time you used the word "swaggered" before today was...? Exactly, ******.

Wooooo, someone's getting a little emotional! Chill out there, Rambo, you'll give yourself a heart attack. And for the record, probably a month or so ago. Frequency of use isn't a factor. When was the last time you used the words "but I could be wrong"? Probably never, judging by your reply. Haha!

Welcome to FML ZacZ... consider yourself well and truly mauled. You swaggering buffoon.

You should of swaggered away zacz. don't get butt hurt everyone messes up.

40 - You should have said should have.

34 - "Swag" dates to 1520 (a teensy bit before Shakespeare's time). Though Shakespeare did coin "swagger" in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Try knowing etymology before teaching etymology.

Actually Zac, I hear and see the word "swaggered" pretty often. Maybe you should go to school sometime.

puppyXluvz123 9

I swaggered onto the comment section of this FML hoping to find intellectual and funny comments, only to be greeted by an illiterate person by the name of Zacz. There you go. :)

ZacZ, you truly are an idiot, sir. And 34, if you were so caught up in "sex and drugs", you would not feel compelled to lash out at other individuals using your ignorance as a weapon... I've said.

Hey, I am kind of with Zac on this. I don't doubt that its a word that people use, just I don't believe I have heard it before and I can understand his ignorance. Maybe it depends on where you live. I have lived in a few different places and know people use words differently.

Phoebe_Buffay 14

The term "swagger" is dated back to the 1500's. It means to walk with extreme confidence or arrogance. Please, open a book.

Phoebe_Buffay 14

Where was it invited? to lunch? to a party? don't leave us wondering!

90/ He isn't often the commenter we want, but the commenter we need. He is, a dark regular.

ZacZ 8

Go to school? I already have a master's degree in trolling you "intelligent" idiots.

NickaPLZ 26

Well 106, according to this thread you're doing a pretty shitty job using it. Master's degrees are a lot of money so I suggest you start using it more wisely. Unless of course, you don't care about money. Which in that case pass some out to the rest of us.

beej821410 6

86, my guess, since we are talking about Shakespeare, I'd say mostly likely the theater.

-34 Swag. Secretly we are gay. So Shakespeare was gay then? Hm. You learn something new every day.

Secretly we are gay is false, even an admin came in and said it was, shut up about it already

Zac, you basically invited a storm of comments harassing you, then you complain, which is just an invitation for round two. Learn to quit while you're behind - this isn't just the Internet, this is FML. Expect shit for any comment, and hope it isn't buried in 20 minutes.

baileymariee 10

Tell them its new and soon they will be using it

McNikk 15

Get a dictionary and prove them wrong.

That'll just open the door to explaining what a physical book is. They'd probably think it's a new version of e-book. Visit an online dictionary instead, one preferably not of the urban variety.

I guess it's better to be a dumbass hipster than be like your friends who are just dumbasses.

I'm not sure to agree or disagree. I try to agree that I'm disagreeing, only to disagree I'm agreeing. Now while you try to understand that, I'll try to figure out if I agree or disagree.

RocketNinjaFish 12

How can swaggered come from swag if swaggered was first? Your friends are complete idiots. As another guy said, get a dictionary and prove them wrong :)

Everyone knows swaggered is past tense of swag, duh.

Now swag was created by hipsters? You'd think hipsters would be against any mainstreamed saying like "swag" or "yolo" but your friends must be more informed than I, OP.