By anon - 20/12/2016 23:57 - United Kingdom - Sheffield

Today, after taking a guy home and getting frisky, he woke up in the middle of the night, got out of bed, and peed on my desk. That's 2 years of uni work and my laptop soaked through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 783
You deserved it 2 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always tell people, "Back up your data!" in case of fire, theft or a pissing contest.

Where you guys incredibly drunk, or does he just like to do these things for fun? SERIOUSLY CONFUSED!


Why would you sleep with a disgusting man like that?

I sincerely doubt anyone can accurately profile a person for the very specific characteristic of "looks like he may urinate on furniture and/or electronics, better not invite this one over. "

I mean, maybe if he/she picked him up outside of a mental health care facility, or a four legged friend from the pound?

Haha im guessing there wont be a second date huh?

I always tell people, "Back up your data!" in case of fire, theft or a pissing contest.

Where you guys incredibly drunk, or does he just like to do these things for fun? SERIOUSLY CONFUSED!

My guess is that he did it in his sleep? I've heard of it happening before, one of my friend's dates peed on her pillow...

Could be sleeping beauty syndrome. My friend has it and has done shit like this before in his own house.

he's just making his territory. he owns you now.

Was he high or something? I don't think anyone can screw up like this when they are drunk, seriously.

I had a college roommate who pissed in the microwave when he was drunk

I had three friends sleep over at my house once and we woke up to a pile of shit on one of the chairs in the kitchen, so these things do happen, unfortunately! Don't know which one of them it was though.

I'd go as far as to say it's more likely to happen while drunk because of how alcohol fills the bladder

Wow that's awful. I'm a hypocrite for saying that because I've done something similar while drunk one night. I got out of bed and pissed on my (now ex) girlfriend's mirror with her makeup stacked at the bottom. She woke up and freaked out while she said my eyes were closed with a goofy smile. I then laid back down and went back to sleep while she angrily cleaned up the mess. We didn't last much longer after that.

The harddrive is most likely still okay though. Plug it into another computer and try, don't give up your hopes yet

If you don't keep such important documents in a folder synced with OneDrive or other cloud storage, you fully deserve it. And you might actually choose better the guys you sleep with next time.