By PeeEverywhere - 11/08/2016 05:48

Today, I woke up to my husband peeing on the floor. He managed to pee in two open clothes drawers and on the pants I was going to wear to work tomorrow. Before I left earlier he promised he wouldn't get smashed tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 686
You deserved it 1 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you could say urine a bad situation! ...I regret nothing

I'd be pissed if I were in the room when it happened...


I guess you could say urine a bad situation! ...I regret nothing

I'd be pissed if I were in the room when it happened...

Next time, pee on him to show dominance.

Honestly make him do all of your laundry for a month. FYL

I know people who do similar stuff, but I have never been that lit that I'd even come close. I guess I'm not as hard core of a drinker as they are.

You're not as stupid as they are. If you're at the point where you're peeing on clothes in the middle of the night, you shouldn't be drinking anyway.

That is funny but still not very cool. You need to have a proper discussion with him regarding his alcohol limits. He shouldn't drink to the point of not knowing were the toilet is. It isn't good for his health anyway.

Yarecho 14

He didn't break anything though right?

jcash52426 5

Sorry honey net time I'll pee on the dirty laundry

Sounds like someone is quite possibly an alcoholic...

Not really. If he was, OP probably would've mentioned that somewhere. Just because you get hammered occasionally doesn't mean your an alcoholic.

Err.... You don't understand how alcoholism works, do you? Binge alcoholism is a type of alcoholism where the person doesn't usually drink, but when they do, they do so in excess to the degree that it is harmful to their body or otherwise dangerous. OP's husband, who apparently has a history of getting "smashed" and also did so despite promising he wouldn't, fits the profile of a binge drinker. The other main type is the type of alcoholic who drink alcohol in smaller amounts in a sitting, but drink it more often. These types of people tend to have the urge to drink during certain activities or times of the day. There are also alcoholics who combine symptoms and traits of the two. Think before you spread misinformation.

However, the fact that he said he wasn't going to get hammered and then proceeded to get so wasted that he peed all over the bedroom indicates that he has little control over his drinking behavior which is a sign of alcoholism.

I have never in my life been so drunk that I thought it would be a good idea to pee on the floor (I guess I would black out first). I really don't get why people 1.) chose to get this drunk after the age of 20 and 2.) can't control their behavior to the point that they do shit like this. I really hope your husband apologized for an hour the next day and cleaned everything spotless. Otherwise that marriage is in serious trouble.

Exactly it always shocks me how people can't tell what there limit is.