By mynameisnotdrew - 17/02/2009 17:19 - United States

Today, after some very passionate sex with my girlfriend, she exclaimed, "That was amazing Drew." She quickly tried to turn "Drew" into my actual name, which doesn't sound anything like Drew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 029
You deserved it 4 108

Same thing different taste


#23 you are a genius, that is what you should do. #63...well blown away by the skills idk about, I think the funny part is that she tried to turn it into your real name, but if you told us your real name I would be on the floor laughing I bet.

drew_m 0

maybe her ex's name is drew, shes clumsy with names and you finally performed as well as him, and hadnt had such i good time since him and so for a brief moment thought of drew! u should take it as a compliment that ur finally as good as drew was, congrats!

you really shouldn't fault her? Why the **** not? TEEHEE #69

MrLogansmommy 0

I am Drew lol, and I knew she missed me! XD