By SoMuchPee - 06/03/2017 22:00 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, after scrubbing every surface twice a week for a month, I finally found the source of the pee smell in my bathroom. Under the toilet. The people who built our house didn't think it was necessary to seal around the toilet. There was two years of pee under there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 258
You deserved it 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's inefficient plumbing at it's best. Inefficient supervision too.

jcash52426 5

Time to buy a new toilet just so you can clean under the old one!


jcash52426 5

Time to buy a new toilet just so you can clean under the old one!

Pobrecita, you just needed a little more caulk.

onceuponatime456 16

Why are you peeing on the floor around your toilet?

An improperly sealed toilet leaks through the base. Under every toilet is a hole for the plumbing, and if that hole isn't properly sealed it's going to leak with every flush. That leak means liquid will build up under the floor.

That's inefficient plumbing at it's best. Inefficient supervision too.

You are not supposed to seal around a toilet so you can see the water when the wax seal breaks, if it's sealed you will never know it's leaking until the floor is soft from water and needs replaced.

I was about to say the same thing. Op needs to turn off the water, drain the bowl and tank, remove the toilet and clean under it if it's really bothering them. Then put a new gasket in and re-install.

Time for a new wax ring, kids seem to flop, drop, and use the throne in a rough manor... makes the shitter loose, and the smell of death invade the bathroom. It's a quick fix- if you can stomach the smell...

young_stud 14

I don't get it, how did pee get under the toilet? Do you mean people dribbled on the floor and some of it got into the part that where it wasn't sealed?