By me - 19/12/2010 03:20 - United States

Today, after buying some groceries, I walked back to my car. After trying several times to get in the door, I finally look up and see a terrified little boy holding onto his teacup poodle for dear life, frantically waving me away. My car was two spots over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 918
You deserved it 28 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it should read more like: Today, my mommy left me and my puppy in the car while she ran into the store. Seconds later a scary man came up to the car trying to break in. He scared me so badly I gripped my puppy for dear life and shat myself. FML.

nicesprites 4

maybe look inside the car first. the kid probably pissed himself


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For once one of your comments actually amused me, that and how it is not moderated yet.

im glad that youre amused. my soul purpose in live

dudeitsdanny 9

Soul or sole? Cause I feel like both can sort of fit, if you really try...

Qluz 3

someone please illustrate this! and make it cute!

do all FMLs now fall into the category of wrong cars,bitching 16 year olds and oversensitive girlfriends?

No, there is far more depth in these fml's. let's discuss the hidden meanings behind the words used & the issues at hand.

hey blues Qluz I love your pic. I'd give grandma that statue for Christmas just to see the look on everyones face when she unwrapped the gift.

lol there was a typo in this comment, but it makes me laugh how many people begin their troll patrols. noobs.

nicesprites 4

maybe look inside the car first. the kid probably pissed himself

LosAngelesSon 8
sarinasusu 2

Aww I agree and I moderated this one.!

Miss_Unique1031 6

why does she need to look inside the car first?! she thought it was her car.

Wow. Little boys and animals do it for you, eh? You need some serious psychiatric help, friend. That's the nice way of saying "You are completely ****** up in the head and should be locked in a rubber room where you can never have any meaningful contact with society, you sick ****." But I would never say that.

thank god you didnt. that woulda hurt my feelings

I'm pretty aure that was a joke. like; Funny or "Haw-Haw" don't get too worked up 16

this is a troll feeding zone. get yo no feeding zone signs outa here

brokenbitch13 0

me too. out my penis. even though im a girl ;)

Motherhumper, admitting to being a troll is one of the fastest way to get yourself banned.

being banned is just like roping up a noose, it's the end of your life.

you haven't been on the internet too long have you

You must have genitalia the size of a hippopotamus then, good for you.

Hippopatamoose? Mine are ******* blue whales!

edelmaniac11 0

you have no idea how fun it is #15

Wasterni 0

now 8 that's just impractical I mean it would dragging on the ground as you walk. you would have to get a sled for that thing

64: A sled would not be practical. Instead, they should watch the episode of south park where they all get testicular cancer and use their balls as those sit and bounce toys and copy.

iliveinthesky_fml 0

You should've called diphus(sp?).

tea cup means just what it sounds like- a tiny little doggie :)

how do so many ppl get their vehicles confused with other ppls vehicles?

yazmi_09 3

I've never confused my car with someone elses lol

I drive and have for like 11 years and I haven't tried getting into, or gotten into, someone elses car.

debatingalways 0

there is such thing. they're usually about the size of a baseball. and I've come close to doing that same thing as well. I used to know my truck by my parking pass but now It stands out tremendously thanks to a pole I was a bit too close to last weekend. Fml.

how do so many ppl get their vehicles confused with other ppls vehicles?

it should read more like: Today, my mommy left me and my puppy in the car while she ran into the store. Seconds later a scary man came up to the car trying to break in. He scared me so badly I gripped my puppy for dear life and shat myself. FML.