By Hailey - 26/06/2018 06:00

Today, I had to awkwardly explain in a conference with HR, management, and my coworkers that the occasional bruises, cuts, welts, and choke marks are from consensual BDSM sex and NOT domestic violence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 615
You deserved it 3 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least they showed concern for you. My co-workers would tell me to walk off a double leg amputation.

I don't understand why you had to explain that it was do to BDSM. Couldn't you just have assured them it isn't abuse but it is personal? Or lie and say you've been taking an MMA training program?


At least they showed concern for you. My co-workers would tell me to walk off a double leg amputation.

I don't understand why you had to explain that it was do to BDSM. Couldn't you just have assured them it isn't abuse but it is personal? Or lie and say you've been taking an MMA training program?

I don't know how believable that would be, especially depending on the type of marks and cuts they were

If they were able to think the marks were from abuse I dont see why they would think the Mark's were inconsistent with MMA training

obie1975 9

My anesthesiologist called social services after a surgery in Dec because he wouldn't accept my explanation that the scars and marks are from Bdsm. He said I was just covering for him.


Be careful with the choking. It can cause internal bruising that can be very dangerous even days later.

It IS domestic violence! It’s just domestic violence you like.

You go gurl! Wish I was in a relationship like that and/or had such a caring employer

manb91uk 22

Don't be awkward about it... You could help pave the way to a sex positive workforce 👍

Mungolikecandy 19

You should have said Fight Club... hang on we are not supposed to talk about that. Forget I mentioned it.

I'd have invented a new hobby: kickboxing? jujitsu? wrestling? Or indeed just said it's not their business, because it's not.

The underwater basket weaving session got really intense.

There is absolutely no reason management or your coworkers had to be at that meeting. HR should have asked you about it and simply informed them that the matter was resolved and not of further concern.

PenguinPal3017 19

Yeah, this was definitely a personal issue. Extremely inappropriate to have everyone there.