By catwoman - 31/10/2009 04:34 - Australia

Today, I learned why my bathroom has a horrible, seemingly irremovable stench. My cat doesn't squat to pee like a normal cat. She stands up, peeing over the side of the litter tray all over the wall and floor, which are now a permanent yellow tinge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 143
You deserved it 5 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yah, that's called spraying. Is your cat fixed? If not, this could be why. Also, this could be a sign of a medical issue such as a Urinary Tract Infection. You need to get your cat fixed if it isn't, and see a vet.

First, your cat may be a boy, they tend to do this more often. Second, get it fixed if it's not. Third, have the vet run a profile for a urinary tract infection. Fourth, get a litter box with a hood on it. Fifth, wash the walls. Try Greased Lightning, I know it works well on dog pee-you can get it cheaply at dollar stores. Sixth, don't just paint over will still stink.


bugmenotmofo 34

It's either the cat or the walls. Pick one of them to remove first, and see what happens to the other.

boatkicker 4

Perhaps the cat was already box trained when they got it? I get most of my pets from the shelter and they are always already trained. One of my cats was previously a stray who wasn't trained and that was a problem because we never did manage to get her trained, but she ended up dying due to a medical condition that the vet told us 'is not really a big deal', but before she died she had kittens and we trained them when they were little before we gave them away.

Cats are so cute! Bite your tongue. Just toilet train your cat...

move its litter box then make sure it goes there - you could put it just outside or something and install a catflap if you don't have one. if you've got an apartment without an outside then add a plastic bucket to catch the pee - maybe one of those paint buckets for when painters use a roller brush?

jchansfan 0

That's what you call an "outdoors kitty"... lol :P

That's what you call "neighbor's dog's breakfast". The sooner the better.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Just let my german shephard have a go at her ;) kidding of course, I have a kitty too.

Yah, that's called spraying. Is your cat fixed? If not, this could be why. Also, this could be a sign of a medical issue such as a Urinary Tract Infection. You need to get your cat fixed if it isn't, and see a vet.

What do you mean 'normal cat'. Most cats pee like this. If it takes a dump standing up then you might have a problem.

MidnightMusic53 37

Apparently you know nothing about cats. A normal, neutered/spayed cat typically squats to pee and take a dump. I've had both male and female cats, and they all squatted. Some cats that are allowed both outdoors and indoors do sometimes learn from other cats to spray, despite being fixed.

fallen_dragonkin 12

try and buy a litter tray with the lid and cat flap in it

xoconnie 8

I wonder where he picked up on that... Hmm...