Not now

By Anonymous - 06/03/2017 04:00

Today, our cat died. My husband and I had a touching bonding moment together. Our relationship has been strained for months, and I thought this could bring us closer. He decided to bring up politics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 977
You deserved it 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

psychopolarbear 28

You were betting on your dead cat to bring you closer? What if he changed the subject to avoid talking about the cat?

I've never understood how some people are able to have romantic relationships with people with whom they disagree on significant points of politics. Minor disagreements about candidates or best solutions, sure, but if you disagree so fundamentally that you can't even discuss it without someone getting upset or angry...


This fml makes me wish I could choose a sad face emoji. :(

psychopolarbear 28

You were betting on your dead cat to bring you closer? What if he changed the subject to avoid talking about the cat?

Donald Trump has now started ruining relationships. Ouch.

Connor1623 10

What's trump have to do with this?

Talis99 26

Nothing, Connor. She thought she was funny.

******' Trump! He grabs ******* and kills them!

I've never understood how some people are able to have romantic relationships with people with whom they disagree on significant points of politics. Minor disagreements about candidates or best solutions, sure, but if you disagree so fundamentally that you can't even discuss it without someone getting upset or angry...

Sorry for your loss, OP. It gets easier after some time...

young_stud 14

Unless you know your husband to be emotional/sentimental, I can kind of understand why he would want to talk about something else. Guys usually don't like just sitting and talking about their deceased pet for too long.