By Anonymous - 25/11/2015 06:57

Today, I pulled an all-nighter to finish rereading my set work for my English exam. I managed to finish earlier than expected and decided to get some sleep. I then promptly slept through my alarm and missed my exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 514
You deserved it 5 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Number one rule for a student; six alarms is still not enough alarms

That really sucks, but don't they usually let absentees make up tests after class or during lunch periods? Also try setting multiple alarms, each a few minutes after the other. Good luck OP.


That's why you should have a pet rooster like me. It's ok though, English isn't important in the long run.

So, you want your neighbours to hate you because of some loud bird in the morning? No thanks. Oh, and you're way off about the English thing. It's not all literature. There's also grammar, punctuation, and communication to learn.

That sucks OP, seems like you probably would've done well on that exam

Number one rule for a student; six alarms is still not enough alarms

mds9986 24

I have to use an alarm app that makes me get up and spin in circles or else I'll just turn them all off. Also to OP, I would take this as a lesson to not study like that anymore. Getting sleep is proven to improve performance on an exam more than studying all night.

fashionbug9880 22

For me, 41 alarms isn't enough. I've gotten those apps that make you solve math equations to turn it off, make you scan something outside of your room, etc., but I just turn it off and go back to bed. Nothing works for a super exhausted student.

nonsensical 26

Always always ALWAYS have at least 3 alarms when you plan on sleeping after an all-nighter!!

I have two different alarms for that reason. Perhaps you should do the same to help you.

I've found if given the choice between a couple hours of sleep, or staying up all night. It's always better to stay up. You can't miss the alarm and I generally don't feel as tired.

It's true that you don't feel as tired, but your mental functioning declines when you don't get enough sleep the night before. Not a good idea for an exam

that usually works for work not for an exam that needs full mental capability

That really sucks, but don't they usually let absentees make up tests after class or during lunch periods? Also try setting multiple alarms, each a few minutes after the other. Good luck OP.

You must still be in HS. There is usually no such thing in college. The policy at my college is that you have to schedule a retake at least 24hr before the exam if you know that you will miss it. Sleep through the alarm, it is pray that the professor will still allow you to take the retake.

Agree with the above commenter, welcome to the real world #11. There are no make-ups. It's called accountability and responsibility.

#11 don't listen to these people. Obviously they don't have the brain capacity to figure out how to click on your profile picture to pull up your profile and see that you haven't even experienced college yet, barely even high school. But yes, these assholes above me are correct. There's rarely ever retakes in college.

I think you're being a bit too defensive, neither of the comments seem to be attacking #11 at all, they were just stating facts.

22 even said "you must still be in HS" as his very first sentence.

email your prof. sometimes they will let you rewrite. Make sure you say it's your fault.