By Anonymous - 09/01/2015 16:30 - United States - Kansas City

Today, after paying a job coach a load of money for his services, pretty much the only advice he gave me was "Send out more résumés." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 209
You deserved it 5 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alternatively: become a job coach. Seems like an easy job.

So he's basically a guy that looks over resumes and gives obvious advice. Sounds like an easy career, sign me up.


That may be because everything else is on point, OP

Haha yeah lets hope we get a follow up from OP soon saying he got a job

She did her job though, not a very well and critical advice, but she technically did it correctly lol

I think he should coach himself at his own job before he wastes others' money and time.

emile_heskey 11

That's two things in here that WONT WORK

When I need a JOB done, I call someone whose JOB it is to do that JOB!

Nolimit2217 32

Alternatively: become a job coach. Seems like an easy job.

Damn best me to it lol i second this. Op just keep trying I graduated in may and it took me a few months to get a job still not in my field but decent.

OP as a job coach: "My advice to get a job is make one up. It's so easy that even I did it! You see that degree on the wall? My kid drew it in art class this morning, and yet you paid me to direct your professional life."

So he's basically a guy that looks over resumes and gives obvious advice. Sounds like an easy career, sign me up.

You need a life coach next.... Remember to breath...

badmandilon 19

Lesson learned: next time get free advice from good internet sites and keep the money for yourself. Sorry OP.

You need experience to get a job; you need a job to get experience.

HJKM_fml 19

And that is why they have internships. It's basically free labour for the company (except in the rare instances where they're nice enough to pay you) and you get experience. The only other real option is getting a part time job where you don't really need experience like a cashier. Stay for a couple of years. You may move up within that company or get a job elsewhere now that you have experience. Best of luck with your job search OP.

Uhm, I think you searched to deep into a rather common statement.

I would talk to him and tell him to give you some of the money back. Bad referrals are bad for business