By Nox - 06/01/2010 07:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend accused me of not having any friends. So I sent out a mass text saying "Hey, what's up?" to prove her wrong. I didn't get any replies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 582
You deserved it 7 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azurablade 0

you mean you sent a txt message to your mother, brother and sister?

well maybe u should call ur friends more often instead of only doing it to prove a point to ur gf


well maybe u should call ur friends more often instead of only doing it to prove a point to ur gf

You may be right. Either that, or maybe the OP's friends didn't reply because those messages are annoying. I HATE messages saying "Whats up?". Put more thought into a message! >_

azurablade 0

you mean you sent a txt message to your mother, brother and sister?

redxapplexoxo 0

if you don't have a social life how do you have a girlfriend?

tuboshu1986 0

I don't think your life sucks , while you suck. Because you have no friends.

Go get some friends then! If you are in middle school though, that sucks. It is impossible to make friends or have a life in middle school. But assuming you are older, get a social life!

Yeah it's almost impossible to make friends when you're surrounded by people the same age with the same up-bringing when you're having classes and doing sports with them 5 days a week for 5 years. Totally agree.

xixifwadi 0

Seriously. I don't care how close we are. "hey, what's up?" texts are annoying as hell. Immediate ignore.