By bucollegegirl - 08/10/2012 14:07 - United States

Today, after having sex with my boyfriend, he said that I should go to the bathroom so we don't end up pregnant. When I asked why, he said that I need to "pee out the semen." I explained to him 5 times that I don't pee out of my vagina. He still doesn't get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 776
You deserved it 6 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotYourOrdinary7 6

If he doesn't want you to become pregnant, some sort of contraception should have been used.

I am sorry that you have such a dumb boyfriend D: Try explaining it to him with pictures maybe? Let him see for himself that there are two openings?


aaronlopez20 4

ha i didnt know that until my gf told me

A dude that dumb shouldn't lower your bar of expectations. Cut him loose. You deserve better.

HRBINGER0fdeath 3

If you don't want to become pregnant, use protection.

onorexveritas 23

people who don't understand the dynamics of the human reproductive system shouldn't have sex.

The_F3rris 11

My bf didnt know there were two different holes down there either. I swear they taught this in sex ed though.

That's funny, I was the one to tell my girlfriend that there were two sepperate holes.

itsBEEarOHseekay 12

My dad thought for the first few years of marriage that when women got their periods, they just peed blood for a few days. Wouldn't that be the life. He's not generally a moron, just uninformed when if comes to the opposite sex. There's a difference.

jrayallday895 1

Maybe you two shouldn't be having sex if you're not wearing protection and he doesn't know what a ****** is. Hmmmm? Just sayin.

rofflewaffle 9

You should still pee after so you don't get a UTI.