By bucollegegirl - 08/10/2012 14:07 - United States

Today, after having sex with my boyfriend, he said that I should go to the bathroom so we don't end up pregnant. When I asked why, he said that I need to "pee out the semen." I explained to him 5 times that I don't pee out of my vagina. He still doesn't get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 775
You deserved it 6 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotYourOrdinary7 6

If he doesn't want you to become pregnant, some sort of contraception should have been used.

I am sorry that you have such a dumb boyfriend D: Try explaining it to him with pictures maybe? Let him see for himself that there are two openings?


jose562 5

I thought you girls pee from ****** and poo from asshole

Your comment was bad and you should feel bad.

I like how the comments before and after validate yours. Your timing is spot on!

kurofuchs 5

He probably is confused but you do end up with some sperm being washed away by urination. In fact you probably will have a few of his sperm in your urine for the next few days.

galaxystar2 6

What is with so many people procreating with complete idiots? You are the one who chose this person....

It's surprising how uneducated people are about down south. I have a friend who is a 16 year old female. I had to explain to her that she doesn't pee out of her ******. It was like a month ago.

Going by your username, you are in college. College is a good place to find smart guys, not 5x-stupid ones. Start looking now.

It is, however, recommended to urinate after sex in order to flush out bacteria and prevent a yeast infection. :)

I'm pretty sure it's safe to say he doesn't go downtown. lol. If so, he wouldn't think that way. lol. If he does go downtown, then I really feel sorry for you sweetie......... Cause he don't know what he's doin! lol