By CantWin - 07/06/2016 22:38 - United States - Provo

Today, after finally applying myself and busting my butt all semester, I found out the school is accusing me of cheating because they couldn't believe I could have gotten near-perfect grades considering my grade history. If this is how society rewards academic turnarounds, why do I even bother? FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 995
You deserved it 1 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MetalxSoldier 26

Just let them know that you are just trying harder and that you worked your ass off to EARN those grades. If they don't believe you, ask them to try to prove you wrong. I'm sure that won't be a problem with your near perfect grades. Good luck op.

Sorry to hear that, but well done on pulling things back. Hopefully they'll recognise the achievement; surely your class work must have improved as well? That would be a bit of a giveaway that you didn't cheat.


If it comes down to it, as much as it may suck, it may be best to offer to take the test in an enclosed room, with all the supplies and equipment being given to you by a proctor. Maybe even a cursory search of your person to prove you don't have notes written on your skin. Go through the reexam the same schedule you did the first time, however it worked. And make sure they give you either the same test or one that's proven to be the same level. Sucks yes, but it would definitely shut them up when you passed again. The offer alone might shut them up, since people don't expect cooperation from people.

I know the feels. As an engineering student, I'm pretty average in terms of grades. I got ONE distinction for ONE assignment I did, now everyone thinks I cheated instead of actually work hard and put in effort (PS: my lecturer thinks I plagiarized)

i said u deserved;i meant the grades turnaround thing :p

That institution is not the final authority. you know u did hard work !

You're innocent until proven guilty so don't worry.

My very best graded semester in college was the semester I was drinking heavily. I could never equal my performance again after getting off the sauce. Do things for yourself and remember, you are the winner here, no matter what anyone or any authority thinks.

LeoCor 19

I don't know where you are from but my old school always knew I could do better when I decide to study... they knew student potential

That is terrible. Thankfully, you'll have a hearing and without evidence, the school board will side with you. As a college test proctor, you are in the minority. Occasionally, teachers ask me about a specific turnaround student. If I go through the footage and see nothing, they have to drop it. For future students accused, find out if any tests were recorded. If you went to tutoring, provide documentation. Anything that helps your case, such as a study partner with consistent good grades. I hope everything works out!