By Anonymous - 28/09/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, after coming home from hanging out with a few friends, my mom told me that I shouldn't hang out with them any more. Why? Because "they are way hotter than I am and I'll never get a boyfriend if I'm always the ugly one in my group." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 740
You deserved it 3 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shortandloud 0

ugh that's total bullshit. You should hang out with people that make you happy. Shame on your mom for being so rude and shallow.

She is seriously such a bitch. If you're 18 and can afford it, move out. If not, just ignore her and keep your friends. Tell her everyone finds love, even bitches like her.


shortandloud 0

ugh that's total bullshit. You should hang out with people that make you happy. Shame on your mom for being so rude and shallow.

Hell, I would have told the old crabby bitch that I was gay, and just trolling for one of the lesbo's of the group.,your mom sounds like a bitch.FYL indeed.

i_got_it 0

Her mother sounds like a cool ass bitch to smoke with..

Ew wtf? Why the **** would you assume that. :/

She is seriously such a bitch. If you're 18 and can afford it, move out. If not, just ignore her and keep your friends. Tell her everyone finds love, even bitches like her.

King_of_Kings 3

Oh shit. That is a mean mommy. If I were you, I'd give her the 2 finger salute saying **** YOU. She should not be treating you like that. correct me if I'm wrong people, but aren't moms supposed to be encouraging towards their children?

no, they're supposed to do what's best for their children. That's why Asian kids have lived up to the stereotype that they always do better in school. American parent: "You're the best in the world, just do YOUR best and I'll be happy". American kids are therefore unmotivated early in life and are satisfied with mediocrity. By the time they realize that grades are important, it's too late. Asian parent: "There are kids better than you! You have to be number 1 if you want to get anywhere in life". Depending on which type of Asian parent of you have, the second part can go one of two ways: 1. "You're doing okay, but you'll have to step it up if you want to make it to Harvard" 2. "YOU SUCK! WHY ARE YOUR GRADES SO LOW?!?! WHEN I WAS A KID, I DIDN'T HAVE ANY ONLINE TEXTBOOK AND I SCORED 105'S! WHAT IS THIS 99??? AT THIS RATE, YOU'LL BE STUCK AT DUKE WHILE EVERYONE AROUND YOU IS GOING IVY!" I think this mom actually knows what's what.

Well I think we know why Asian parents are assholes. Who the hell wants to be smart and depressed?

Why did you separate Asian and American? Lol. There are Asian-Americans. "Asian parent: "There are kids better than you! You have to be number 1 if you want to get anywhere in life". Depending on which type of Asian parent of you have, the second part can go one of two ways: 1. "You're doing okay, but you'll have to step it up if you want to make it to Harvard"" -QFT. The 2nd part is exaggerated, though. I'm Asian-American and my parents (and other Asian parents) don't overreact on a 99. Anyway, back on topic, you are different in everyone's eyes. You can be beautiful in many eyes. Don't take your mother's words to heart, although I know it's hard. The best thing to do is, as someone already mentioned, ignore until you're in college. Or as another person mentioned, thank her for your appearance. After all, you have her genes.

What she doesn't realize is that you are hanging out with hot girls for a good reason. Looks like you won't miss guys after all. . . :)

it must feel so good to see life from your eyes ^^

Oh, it can be horrible at times. It's usually fun though. Someone should buy me coffee and mail it to me. I'm tired and need some. :(

I wish I could ^^ ;) I'm sure even your hell hole has coffee somehow somewhere

It does. It just doesn't have jobs for me to get to afford said coffee. :(

fyourlife88 0

Once again, Intoxicunt with the correct idea. We all know the OP be hangin out with the attractive girls so that she can in turn, hang out with their attractive guy friends. Then the OP just has to work on getting one of them wasted so she can jump his bones while hes too ****** up to even care what she lookes like! OP, you go girl.

I don't think Intoxicunt was referring to getting guys. Girls are way awesomer anyway :)

IloveComics 0

I would be so angry! My mum isn't like that at all, never has been so I don't know how you feel, really. But still! How rude of your mother to speak to her child like that! Forgive me for saying, but your mom sounds like a bitch-face *****! :D I hate mums that are so inconsiderate and hurtful! :(

fmyduck 0

Your mom is 100% right. Even the hottest girls are terribly insecure. They love to surround themselves with uglies to make themselves feel better. Don't let yourself be the token ugly girl that the wingman has to "take for the team." Get uglier friends.

Sun_Kissed18 25

If she gets uglier friends then wouldn't she be just like those insecuse hot girls who needs "Token ugly girls"??? Just a thought.

NotNegativeNews 0

Or her friends might genuinely like her?

haha I must be hanging out with hot girls too, no boyfriend yet! XD

Same here. But then, I do try to hang out with hot girls, on the rare occasion I hang out with girls of any type.

I'm the token gay guy who says such things as "Wow, you look amazing in that!" "What's that? You need me to help you undress...? No...? Are you sure, because I would totally do that for you."

xD i laughted so much with this comment righ now

Mx_Rider 6

FYL that sucks next time spit at her face

King_of_Kings 3

@ #10 Best comment I've seen thus far!