By Anonymous - 28/09/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, after coming home from hanging out with a few friends, my mom told me that I shouldn't hang out with them any more. Why? Because "they are way hotter than I am and I'll never get a boyfriend if I'm always the ugly one in my group." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 736
You deserved it 3 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shortandloud 0

ugh that's total bullshit. You should hang out with people that make you happy. Shame on your mom for being so rude and shallow.

She is seriously such a bitch. If you're 18 and can afford it, move out. If not, just ignore her and keep your friends. Tell her everyone finds love, even bitches like her.


shirvon100 0

your moms right, infact your actually there to make the hot girls look even hotter. FYL

Your mom is an idiot! Everyone knows that some dude has to suck it up and take care of the ugly one if his bros are going to hook up with the pretty ones. She might not get a boyfriend, per se, but she will have a string of steel-stomached wingmen.

Ignore your mom. I was always "the funny one" in my group, and now I am the only married one. :-)

its true. she is only looking out for you

Every group of friends needs a "Friendosaurus"

BS. I'm always hearing how the HOT girls are never asked out because the guys are so intimidated.. the guys ALWAYS ask out the 'friend' to get close to the hottie. OP just needs to make sure that whoever asks her out is so satisfied with her that they don't drop her for the hotties.

Ouch that was harsh. Maybe she's right though she could have atleast said it in a nicer way! Ahaha

k I had a much hotter friend growing up, it weeded through all the aholes who just wanted sex.. most of the guys she dated said they picked the wrong friend once they got past the looks. by then I just said "I don't take hand me downs". I found a way better guy without wasting any time with losers. oh and I can't believe tour mom would want u to date a guy who only wants your ass.. some mom

iloveblackshirt6 0

that sooo rude!! omg! well its party her fault because you have some of her genes. you came up with a come-back right?