By Anonymous - 06/02/2016 11:56 - United States - Newburyport

Today, after a snowstorm my son decided that boarding off the roof onto my truck would be fun. My truck now has a puncture wound. The same truck that drove him to the hospital for his puncture wound and broken arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 898
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Depending on the age of the son, I think it's time he starts clearing drives to earn money to pay for said truck

And I've just realised seconds after the edit timer expired that he's not going to be able to do that with a broken arm is he... Nonetheless he should pay for the damage if he's old enough


Depending on the age of the son, I think it's time he starts clearing drives to earn money to pay for said truck

And I've just realised seconds after the edit timer expired that he's not going to be able to do that with a broken arm is he... Nonetheless he should pay for the damage if he's old enough

It would be better punishment to make him do work with the one good arm.

And then earn some money on top by entering him into an arm wrestling competition come Spring.

On the bright side, nothing worse happened than a damaged truck and a broken arm.

It's a small problem compared to the possibility of OP's son accidentally killing himself.

#5 she didn't call it a small problem, not sure where you got that from but there are worse things one can get than a broken arm by falling

#5 Yes, it is a small problem compared to the other options of what could have happened: Hitting the angle wrong and becoming a paraplegic, quadriplegic, breaking his neck and dying, hitting his head and falling into a coma, hitting his head and having permanent brain damage that causes mental retardation, or gives him severe memory loss and he can't retain new information without being told umpteen times. And that's just the things I can think of off the top of my head.

"Off the top of my head" I see what you did there

The real question : How old is your son ?

Were you more upset about the truck or your son breaking his arm

I mean, a broken arm heals eventually...

Rammer3500 23

People heal naturally, vehicles dont. Im care more about my instruments safety than mine.

ColonelCusswords 24

The more you live the more you learn

It sounds like you should be keeping a closer eye on your son.

Yes because he really expected his son to go flying into a ******* truck and break a limb during a snowstorm.

ananicosia 28

If he's old enough to make such a stupid decision, he's old enough to pay the consequences. He should earn money to have the truck fixed.

When my brother was young he did a super man dive off the roof. We had a huge hill behind the house and I guess he thought he could make a safe landing on it. Broken arm as well.

kids are dumb. sometimes you just have to let them live and learn. bummer about the truck though. just make sure he does chores or something to pay it back.