By thrill house - 25/01/2016 00:57 - Australia - Hawthorn

Today, a woman yelled at me for hurting her. I'm a tattoo artist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 860
You deserved it 1 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have put down the tattoo gun and just stared at her for a few minutes before saying "now, do you know what a tattoo is?"

were you pointing your tattoo gun at her? were you threatening her with offensive tattoos? were you also smiling weirdly? hmmm... my deduction skills are totally so fab and I must say, she might be on to something here.


What does she expect tattoos can hurt? Jesus some people are ridiculously stupid.

Your inserting ink in her skin with a needle what did she expect?! I have a low pain tolerance and I did fine with all three of mine (all large pieces, one with color, one shaded one directly over shoulder blade) It hurts but it's not that bad.

Some people are very sensitive. Don't take it personal. I love tattoos and for me they don't hurt one bit!

The question is... Were you tattooing her when she said that? Or is this just a coincidence?

why would this even be a question? why else would they make the statement that they're a tattoo artist? lastly, how would it be a coincidence and an FML?

He never mentions that he was TATTOOING her. He could have been raping her, for example.

You could have chosen literally anything else that causes pain for that second sentence. Is that supposed to be funny?

MoroseMoose 47

What did she think was going to happen?! It's pretty common knowledge that tattoos hurt.

EnvyMe33 26

I have 9 tattoos and counting. Tattoos hurt, but I have had back surgery so the pain of a tattoo is nothing compared to what I went through with my back. If you have a low tolerance for pain I don’t recommend getting a tattoo.