By OrangeTree12 - 04/04/2009 06:05 - Canada

Today, a really cute guy sat across from me on the bus. He smiled at me, then tensed his muscles and lifted a heavy bag with one arm. Thinking he was trying to act "macho" to impress me, I rolled my eyes and threw him an annoyed/disgusted look. When he got off, I realized he only had one arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 191
You deserved it 83 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow. first of all, even if he was trying to charm you, to seem "macho" you should have enjoyed the sentiment of it. second your a total turdwad, for rolling your eyes, thinkin' your better than him, that makes you a double turdwad. YDI imagine how you must have made him feel for being a normal person. turdwad.

first you say theres a really cure guy that sat across from you and then you roll your eyes at him?


YDI for being a ******* bitch. Quit acting like a snob as if noone deserves you. You won't get a good guy until you stop being so shallow.

first you say theres a really cure guy that sat across from you and then you roll your eyes at him?

CaptaiNiLL 0

yea I don't get tht either if u think the person is hot go for it don't be a prick and reject the person so they'll go after u cuz a lot of times they wont

thatsucks42 4

The lack of correct grammar in this feed disturbs me greatly.

Somehow, I don't think she was aware til after she threw him that face

wow. first of all, even if he was trying to charm you, to seem "macho" you should have enjoyed the sentiment of it. second your a total turdwad, for rolling your eyes, thinkin' your better than him, that makes you a double turdwad. YDI imagine how you must have made him feel for being a normal person. turdwad.

rudysayshi 4

that's kinda ****** up though so is this man not a normal person because this girl wants sentiment for being a douche to this not normal person

Maybe she thought he was showing off..

why should she enjoy it? different people enjoy different things, not nice telling people how to feel..

so you didn't notice that the guy sitting across from you was missing an arm? and you decided that even though you thought he was cute, that you'd act disgusted at what you thought was an attempt to be macho instead of doing that "you're being stupid but i like you" giggle? =P

King_of_Kings 3

#2 you took the words right out of my mouth. i was literally going to say those exact words. for the OP: that was a little rude on your part. but atleast you didn't say anything bad to him.

Guess I know which hand he masterbates with

lol @ #7! XD Why roll your eyes at a guy you thought was cute? Unless you're one of them really annoying girls who play hard to get...Seriously if you're interested let them know if not then don't be, don't play's annoying..

UnCensoredBitch 0

another girl who thinks everyone is just trying to impress her, only to find out shes a dumb conceited bitch..

#11 FTW! It's conceited bitches like you that give us girls a bad name!! Get over yourself! If he were actually interested, he probably would have done more than smile... YDI.

Amen! And just because someone smiles at you doesn't mean they find you attractive, did if ever cross your mind that he was just a nice person!?