By Lonely Gay - 22/02/2012 09:37 - United States

Today, a first date with a guy went so badly that he actually paid me to never call him again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 494
You deserved it 5 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look on the bright side, you can make a business out of this!

How much? Either way free money is free money! Just keep trying!


Dude, just give up of being a gay. It's just not working out for yah. Otherwise, you will be lonely forever.

Dude it has nothing to do with you that he's gay, just shut it and mind your own business.

U poor thing!!!! Just don't let it get u down. Ders plenty of fish in the sea!

Why wouldn't you just type 'there's' and save yourself from looking idiotic?

Redoxx_fml 22

I read it in a song-song voice with Sebastian's accent from The Little Mermaid.

Haha ders is the retarded half brother of theirs.

You'd have to act like a complete ass for someone to offer you money to avoid future contact. What the **** did you do? Puke on his shoes? Punch his mother? **** his dog?

skyeyez9 24

Probably farted and waved it in his direction.

maybe OP mentioned his ex girlfriend was pregnant. not everyone wants to deal with that kind of drama...

perdix 29

#63, that's usually not a big concern in the gay community.

Maybe his date realized that he is strait.

what i meant is since OP implied that he recently turned gay then he couldve impregnated an ex some time ago and then shows up during OPs date and raised hell about it which would spark doubt in the other guy about OPs current orientation which would cause him to not want to see OP again. Of course thats all if my theory from earlier is correct...

ShroomsOnAcid 16

85, OP never said he recently "turned gay". If you're referring to the "first date with a guy" portion of the FML, I take it to mean the first date with that particular guy. Even if it was his first date ever with any guy, it's a bit far fetched to imply he's gotten a girl pregnant. He was most likely gay/bi long before that date.

hmmm...couldve sworn it said "my first date with a guy" instead of "a first date with a guy". oh well too late to change my previous assumption so ill just blame my oversight on this damn knack i have for multitasking...

And OP probably didn't reach for the check.

daftPunKt 4

Maybe men aren't your thing after all.

It's sad most of the good guys are taken or gay. Anyways I would've asked him for a dessert too before leaving. What a jerk you deserve better!! OP

Wow I just realized that OP is gay. Haha well I guess some gay guys are jerks too!

Well that is quite an assumption you make there...If "Most good guys are taken or gay" one could say that most straight single guys are assholes. Following that logic, all it takes to become a "good guy" is a relationship or a love for for the male reproductive organ. In which case, you are once again attractive to the ladies. See the flaw...?

ShroomsOnAcid 16

35, So you fight faulty logic with more faulty logic? Most good guys would obviously be taken because they're good guys, not transformed into such because they're in a relationship. What one could speculate based on that assumption is that the assholes make up a larger portion of single guys, since supposedly no one would want to be with them. Also, most does not equal all, which would be necessary for your logic to make sense.

cradle6 13

55-That logic is even worse. The problem that many girls will only date assholes, reject everyone else, then complain that they can't find a good guy.

I agree with 55 and 60 partially. And 60 adding to your comment as far as my experience goes, guys are only "nice" for the first couple months of the relationship and then their true side comes out. BUT I did say "some guys" in my original comment. So it doesn't mean all.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

60, I knew someone was going to point that out, hence the "supposedly". With my comment, I was addressing the flaws in the previous comment, rather than making an assertion about the situation myself. Note the ambiguous terms throughout.

Quite a paradoxal situation... I made joke by taking what #22 said, way too literally: "If most good guys are taken, then..." You however, managed to take my joke literally as well...double negative makes a positive (a literal understanding of a joke based on literal understanding....makes you think I was being serious). To clear it up: it was a joke.

You must have ****** up the date pretty bad for him to do that. No hard feelings though.

skyeyez9 24

What did you do on the date to make him react so badly??

Well that's rude. But, who says no to free money?