By bern5555 - 13/01/2010 05:29 - United States

Today, I was working with the kid I babysit for. We were out and he complained that he was hungry. I spent my very last $2 on chicken nuggets for him and a coffee for myself. Just as I sat down, he knocked over my coffee, spilling it into his chicken nuggets. Then he cried for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 502
You deserved it 3 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

$2 for chicken nuggets and Coffee? That's awesome value! At least u can still eat the coffee chicken nuggets.

proflover 0

How funny, when I worked at a daycare enter the kids LOVED dipping their chicken nuggets in milk, no joke. But yeah, kids are midget devils


$2 for chicken nuggets and Coffee? That's awesome value! At least u can still eat the coffee chicken nuggets.

At McDonalds "prices, menu item availability and participation may vary." Source:

OP, you're in Idaho. Can't you pay in potatoes?

proflover 0

How funny, when I worked at a daycare enter the kids LOVED dipping their chicken nuggets in milk, no joke. But yeah, kids are midget devils

lickmyjock 0

Probably the most excited thing to happen in the whole state of Idaho that day.

chicken nuggets dipped in coffee ... how did that taste ? :P


Well you should've gone home with him to feed him then if he kept crying like that and you couldn't pay for food

Most restaurants will replace the food in a situation like this. And I agree that the parents should have left you some food money. FYL for having a sucky job I guess.