By Anonymous - 24/04/2018 15:00

Today, my son was expelled from school for bullying. The event in question took place off campus, during spring break, and was a friendly scuff. The iPhone video they used as evidence clearly showed the other boy laughing his head off and both of them sharing a coke afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 882
You deserved it 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Appeal their decision! If the video does show that, then they have no grounds to expel.

Ask them to show you the rule that prohibits that off campus off grounds. Also try getting the other kids present to say something as well.


Appeal their decision! If the video does show that, then they have no grounds to expel.

Did that happen in the US by any chance?

CrazyTrainWreck 19

If it happened here in the US they wouldn't have done anything. They don't care about bullying here.

SailorSolaris 43

Sadly, no one really cares about bullying in the US unless they’re the one being bullied.

They don't care about REAL bullying. But as far as i experienced they do care a lot as soon as a video or something even remotely shows that someone COULD be bullied and then overreact like shown in the post. In most european schools (which i have experienced or heard of) being expelled is the last thing that would happen and there would be lots and lots of talks and meetings beforehand.

Ask them to show you the rule that prohibits that off campus off grounds. Also try getting the other kids present to say something as well.

Clearly, the other boy had Stockholm Syndrome. Congrats on raising a sociopath!

Put the video in social media and hope it goes viral.

without permission from the other boy and his family that could be illegal. Both kids could also be targets for harassment as a result of the video too

if they post the video they can't use it in court as evidence

Mooglefox 23

If this video happened at something that isn’t a related school event, they have no right to do that to the kid

Lobby_Bee 17

What authority do they have outside school property?

seaboundrhino813 8

My how things changedWhen I was in school kids were treated as “free range” and unless someone was bleeding from their injuries or the incident happened in class or on school grounds they were completely hands off. I can even remember in high school that two boys got into a fight just off school grounds while a coach watched to make sure it was a fair fight. Times were different.... Then the “zero tolerance” days started when my son was in school and suddenly anything that was against school rules at all was a huge deal. I still think though, that off campus things were treated as not a school issue - but it would depend on how “off campus” it was. If it was within sight it might still have been an issue, I am not sure. Most bullying now does not start with a physical fight or attack. Most of it is verbal and both girls and boys can do it. But it is hard to sort out conflicting claims over verbal bullying - But seeing a physical fight between two kids is a lot easier to prove so they go after that a lot harder. OP - Assuming the facts are as stated and you have proof then you have a clear case that they over-reacted.

WeirdUS 29

Laughing and sharing coke after? Were they filming a skit or a soda commercial? Sounds iffy also off campus now doesn't matter if it breaks schools code of conduct.