Time to run

By Anonymous - 13/03/2012 06:21 - Canada

Today, while I was looking for an apartment for my boyfriend and myself, he asked me how would I feel about his mom moving in together with us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 386
You deserved it 2 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissHayleyJames 7

That's when you say "I wouldn't be comfortable with that but she's always welcome to come visit".

a_lenzmeier 11

Remind him that his mom living with you guys means no random blow jobs in the kitchen. That should set him straight.


thats when i would respond, "well how would you feel if I just got the apartment...alone...without you or your Mother...." and if his response is a no of some sort (which i really hope it would be) then your answer for his mom moving in with you and him has been made. :) but if he is really that attached to his mother...then move in alone and get a dog, best roommate ever!

When some one asks "how do you feel about..."that is when you should say "I feel that...." Simple as that.

KM96 24

Aren't you supposed to get an apartment to leave the parents and get your own space and privacy?

Being medical personnel, I have to say that after having seen someone go into a seizure, and having experienced the fear when my father had one-- there is no way that any mother would ever sit by while their child was on the floor convulsing, soiling themselves, eyes rolling back into their skulls, uncontrollable spasms completely taking over their body. It's ******* scary, and humiliating for the one who has to experience it. I'm not one to completely dismiss something without giving the benefit of the doubt; maybe your mother seriously thought you were faking it, and chose to fret over the milk just to play along? If you are, however, epileptic and suffer from seizures I am very sorry.

upsidedownfrownn 5
babyshaft408 8