Time to run

By Anonymous - 13/03/2012 06:21 - Canada

Today, while I was looking for an apartment for my boyfriend and myself, he asked me how would I feel about his mom moving in together with us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 386
You deserved it 2 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissHayleyJames 7

That's when you say "I wouldn't be comfortable with that but she's always welcome to come visit".

a_lenzmeier 11

Remind him that his mom living with you guys means no random blow jobs in the kitchen. That should set him straight.


BunBunBabe 8

Reply with a big hell no? Or maybe a new boyfriend is necessary

Run away. Don't ever live with in laws. Ever. Ever. Ever. Don't ask how I know. That is unimportant.

actually u idiots its ''my boyfriend and I.'' jeez. anyway. yeah....so, i don't see the issue. the economy sucks. but if she can live on her own without problems then, say no. if not dont be a bitch. and weAr a ball gag during sex or something.

If you going to correct people then make sure your shit is correct. *you *it's *Anyway, I don't see the issue. *The economy sucks but *If *bitch and wear You had more mistakes then they did so you look like the idiot.

Damn it! Well, at least I didn't have as many mistakes as he did.

Just say GOD NO, if you are clear you have a problem with it he won't misintrepret you

lsjzhxhdbbs 1

I just went though that and it was bad.... I will never do that again

MissHayleyJames 7

Maybe for you, but not for everyone. It's sure as hell better in the bedroom for me.

desireev 17

I must be lucky because my mother-in-law is the best person I know! :) But I guess they don't call them 'monster-in-law' for no reason... OP, if you do not want to live with her, you need to be clear about it and do NOT back down! Be firm about it! FYL anyway, OP! Your life, indeed, does suck! :)

MissHayleyJames 7

I love mine too! I wouldn't hesitate to let her move in with us for awhile if she was struggling.

tklone329 0