They're everywhere!

By facepalm - 22/07/2013 20:19 - United States

Today, my dad's conspiracy theory obsession hit a new level of stupidity when he blurted, "False flag" because our toaster stopped working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 252
You deserved it 3 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if the toaster doesn't work, then we don't eat as much bread, which will somehow prevent obesity, which will stop the lawsuits and American stigma. You're dad isn't crazy, he knows the truth!!

Poor America. They are like the popular kid that everyone hung out with only because he had a pool and the latest game consoles but now that his parents are broke everyone bullies him.


A plan to oppress us by forcing us to eat raw bread with butter? Sounds Icke.

puffleprincess 7

#37- I see what you did there. (;

That set me off on a long, hard laughing jag. Well done.

Add some bread then the flag will be correct...

Thomas6792 7

false alarm* right way of saying it ;p

Shoot_A_Glock 6

No. False Flag - Staged event used to instill fear and emotion in a public in order to gather support for a war.

You are all Sheeple. Wake up! Toasters are evil.

I have to go Google this too - I've never heard the "false flag" reference and I scan news sites all the time. Maybe not enough conspiracy theory ones . . .


CallMeMcFeelii 13

My buddy in the army said he thinks the blackwater mercenary group was to blame. The military supposedly got rid of them and that was their retaliation. Just saying haha. I'm not too big into conspiracy theories myself but they always are pretty extravagant.

Well duhh, it your dad can't have a healthy breakfast. Then he won't have the energy to fight the NWO

Trisha_aus 15

Awe shit I want to this only for Americans? sometimes I have toaster issues as well.

@11 u can make toast over a fire. A bit more difficult but its not the end of the world.... I mean toast