The sweet smell of success

By joshua - 06/08/2011 00:18 - United States

Today, I started work at my new job. I was excited to have been given an office of my own, but shortly after sitting down at my desk, the door across the hall opened and an unspeakably murderous stench that could've curdled milk seeped in. My office is opposite the men's room. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 780
You deserved it 2 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aFatFuck 0

unspeakable things happen in there...

forkbrother13 0

air freshners. lots and lots of air freshners. i love you.


Hopefully it doesnt smell like that everyday D: suckkksss

There's only one thing to do. Requisition the parts to build a smell proof barrier on your door. Either that or a decontamination chamber on the outside of your door to get rid of the smell.

Hope you get promoted to a better office, holy crap yls.

You'll live. Air freshener should be a big part of your life from now on.

You should invest in febreze - maybe sneak a bottle of it into the men's room and hopefully some of them will start using it.

They must have been happy to finally found someone for that office xD

Don't offices have doors? Ones that you can close? Also: become friends with febreeze.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Maybe he's not allowed to close the door. I agree... Mmmm Febreeze. Not too much, though; some people might have asthma or such.

keshaforever1 14

Bring some Febreeze next time or if you REALLY can't stand it politely knock on their door and leave a note saying you think they shouldn't be so smelly

danielreader22 4