The pandemic is far from over

By Nico - 01/08/2021 01:01

Today, I have a friend who has consumed almost every known drug in our country, but refuses to get the Covid vaccine, claiming that, "it contains the 5G, and I won't let them control me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 960
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doom_Kitty 12

Run. You don't want stupid people in your life. And you don't want people in your life who risk other's lifes for such a stupid reason.

C'mon, Natural Selection, do your thing! I can't get 5G service in a big city on a phone that claims to have it. How are "they" going to control us with that? Hah!


Doom_Kitty 12

Run. You don't want stupid people in your life. And you don't want people in your life who risk other's lifes for such a stupid reason.

C'mon, Natural Selection, do your thing! I can't get 5G service in a big city on a phone that claims to have it. How are "they" going to control us with that? Hah!

Vesi 29

I partly agree with you but the issue is children and those who *can't* get vaccinated that end up hospitalized or dead thanks to these jerks. Honestly I wish it was legal to go and dart the covidiots. =(

Some people are idiots. You don’t need a fool like that in your life.

Sounds like my uncle. He’s got stories of working as a chef while on acid, but he’s deep into the far right conspiracy theories.

Ambrily 27

Why are you still friends with this person?

DoctorPALO 14

Playing devil's advocate here, but there IS somewhat of a difference between recreational drugs that people choose to do and a new vaccine in which all the possible side effects are not known. Maybe your friend IS an absolute idiot; this is still his choice.

phybreawptic 13

How many teeth does your friend have and is their house located in a nice park?

I actually have a complaint. I had my COVID jabs weeks ago and my 5G signal is still shit. 🤣