Stop being selfish

By Steph - 27/11/2021 16:59

Today, I live in a country where a new variant of COVID has been found and we have to go through all this garbage again, all because some people believe that vaccines are in violation of their rights and that it's their right to risk all of our lives and livelihoods. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 271
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Same thing different taste

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This isn't an FML as much as it's a **** All Of Our Lives. I guess FAOOL just doesn't have the same punch.

Bullshit. The reason other vaccines take years is lack of urgency. Funding is very limited and investors are concerned with the risk compared to the limited profit. The Covid vaccine shows what we can do if we put the resources behind the effort. It has proven safe and effective, and it is unreasonable not to get the shots.


This isn't an FML as much as it's a **** All Of Our Lives. I guess FAOOL just doesn't have the same punch.

Omicron is the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet. Look stuff up Raine Devries, or should I say "Naive resider".

I got the vaccine but I get why people are hesitant. Normally we spend like a decade in clinical trials for medications and vaccines. This thing was pumped out in less than a year. Don't kid yourself this is the clinical trial and we are still beta testing this thing. Way I see it though you can either beta test the virus or you can beta test the vaccine.

Bullshit. The reason other vaccines take years is lack of urgency. Funding is very limited and investors are concerned with the risk compared to the limited profit. The Covid vaccine shows what we can do if we put the resources behind the effort. It has proven safe and effective, and it is unreasonable not to get the shots.

Marcella1016 31

COVID vaccine is the end result of a couple DECADES of work. They’ve been working on this since the SARS outbreak. COVID is a version of the SARS coronavirus, and they just built on all the work they had already been doing for years. The clinical trial period also usually takes forever because it takes that long to get enough people into the trial who naturally catch whatever you’re trying to test for. So for example if it’s a trial for a rabies vaccine, you have to wait until enough people get bitten by rabid animals to get results that are statistically meaningful. You need results from THOUSANDS of people to understand all the side effects and interactions and how it affects different body types, genders, people with other conditions, etc. Normally, it takes a long time for enough people in the trial to be naturally exposed. That’s literally the reason clinical trials usually take so long. With the COVID vaccine, MILLIONS of people were getting infected. This shit spread FAST once it was out of the gate, so it was easy to get large groups of people in clinical trials and results came FAST. The results weren’t rushed. People just got sick fast as ****. The researchers just needed to analyze the results. And this may sound crazy, but we have awesome supercomputers and technology and calculators and shit 😱😱 PLUS basically every country in the world working together and dedicating tons of people and resources toward analyzing data, so...results. Fast. I guess sorry the magic medicine to save mankind came too quickly for you? I have a question for you. YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET, WHY DONT YOU DO THE BARE MINIMUM OF LOOKING SHIT UP AND EDUCATING YOURSELF? And ******* social media memes don’t count. Jesus ******* Christ. I knew none of the shit I wrote above but took the time to READ and LEARN about it throughout the pandemic. Why is this so ******* hard?

randybryant799 20

Guess what. It's not just you. We're all dealing with this.

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randybryant799 20

that's not true. the reason we keep getting variants is because people refuse to get vaccinated. so yes...not getting vaccinated is definitely hurting all of us.

phybreawptic 13

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No, they don't. Your twisted statement is why the delta and omicron variants exist. I have to drive on the right side of the road. I can't express my freedom my driving on the left, down the middle or on sidewalks. As a society, we sometimes sacrifice individual liberty for the common good. Let's keep ******* with Covid so a vaccine-resistant, highly-deadly variant evolves so you can smugly live and die in "freedom" (while the rest of us also perish.)

I swear, I'm going to start just deleting these Covid deniers accounts instead of trying to reason with them.

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